
Showing posts from May, 2017

Emergency Management Consulting Projects

In part two of our blog " What is an Emergency Management Consulting Firm? ", we take a look at what a typical emergency management consulting project  looks like. Our typical emergency management consulting projects are designed to help local agencies or businesses prepare through a cycle of planning, training and exercises. We help our clients prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. All Hands Consulting's "Cycle of Preparedness" We also evaluate how well response and recovery plans work through after action reviews and improvement plans to address areas needing improvement. After Action Reports (AARs) and improvement planning is typically done after a real life emergency or an exercise . All Hands helps our clients develop and implement Comprehensive Emergency Management Programs and Plans through a series of steps including Emergency Management Program Review, Capability and Gap Assessments, and Strategic Planning. W

What is an Emergency Management Consulting Firm?

What is an Emergency Management Consulting Firm ? I am often asked what I do.  When I answer that I am an Emergency Management Consultant , I typically get an odd look (unless I am talking to an Emergency Manager).   I typically explain that we help governments, businesses, communities, and people prepare for disasters.  But emergency management is complex and should involve the whole community.  All Hands, an Emergency Management Consulting Firm Today’s blog is an attempt to answer the question: What is Emergency Management Consulting? Emergency management consulting firms , and emergency management consultants, help clients with their emergency management programs.  Emergency management is defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as “The managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to threats/hazards and cope with disasters.” We describe emergency management as a comprehensive progra