Looking for a Job in Emergency Management?

We know that the economy is bad: Budgets are being reduced, grants are being cut, and competition is fierce. We assume that many in the All Hands Community may be looking for work and we want to help.

All Hands Consulting tries to help place as many people as possible but we have grown to over 1,000 consultants and there is no way of keeping everyone busy.

We often get requests to either help fill jobs or to share information about job openings. We often do this on our various lists but we do not want to load up general mail lists with job announcements. For that reason, we focus on sharing job openings on a mail list designed for just this purpose: The Emergency Management Employment Yahoo! Group at EmergencyManagementJobs. If you are looking for a job, I would encourage you to join this list as that is where I will be posting job openings.

Another great resource for job seekers is the IAEM Job Board - you should check the board often. Steve Detwiler keeps up a steady stream of job postings there along with a few others.

Finally, I would encourage networking as it seems to be the best way to find out about opportunities. Feel free to join our social media efforts as well. A complete list of our accounts are on the www.allhands.us web site.


Steve Davis, All Hands Consulting


  1. Many thanks for providing information about emergency management. aaron varuolo.


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