Congressional Appropriators Side with Local Stakeholders, First Responders on Homeland Security Grants
Both the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations
marked up legislation recently that rejected the National Preparedness Grant Program
(NPGP). See National League of Cities article below.
Senator Mary Landrieu summed it up in saying that “… major stakeholders wrote to us asking us not to include these reforms.”
The Senate is to do mark-up on Tuesday. The Senate draft only funds "the big four
grant programs" and is $1.4 Billion so less than the House version. Other grant programs, such as
MMRS are not included but would be eligible and would need to apply to states to get funded.
The Senate's proposed funding levels are less than the House version. These will be reconciled in Conference Committee at a later date.
The Senate bill provides $1.41 billion for state and local grant
programs, $369 million above the comparable fiscal year 2012 level. The bill
does not include grant reform as proposed in the President’s budget request due
to the lack of specific detail regarding how funds would be distributed. The
Department is directed to continue working with stakeholders and the
authorizing committees on a reform proposal. Included in the total is:
– $415 million for State Homeland Security Grants;
– $55 million for Operation Stonegarden;
– $664 million for the Urban Area Security Initiative;
– $13 million for Non-profit Security Grants;
– $119 million for Transit and Rail Security Grants;
– $13 million for Amtrak security; and
– $132 million Port Security grants.
The bill also provides funding for the following
– $337.5 million each for the fire equipment grant
program and the firefighter hiring grant program ($675 million total), additionally,
the Secretary may waive certain provisions of the firefighter hiring program,
if conditions warrant;
– $350 million for Emergency Management Performance
The Senate version also specifically rejects the NPGP.
Which is the gist of this NLC article below.
May 21, 2012
by Mitchel Herckis
In what can be considered a victory for first responders
across the nation, last week both the House and Senate Committees on
Appropriations marked up legislation that rejected an Obama Administration
proposal to consolidate 16 State and Local Homeland Security Grant Programs
into one state-centric grant program called the National Preparedness Grant
Program (NPGP).
Proposed in the President’s FY 2013 budget, the NPGP
would have required states to only pass funding to Urban Area Security
Initiative recipients; the remainder of the funds -- of which more than 80
percent is currently required to be passed directly to local jurisdictions --
would have gone to the state to be distributed based on state and national
threat and risk assessments. This includes grants for transit and port
security, urban search and rescue, metropolitan medical response, pre-disaster
mitigation grants, and a number of other standalone programs that targeted
funds at specific threats.
Since the consolidation was proposed, NLC and several
colleague organizations have urged key stakeholders in Congress and the
Administration to take a more inclusive and deliberative approach to reform
that includes the voices of local governments and first responders.
Responding to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's
(FEMA) lack of detail on how grants would be implemented and no assurances that
the needs of localities would be met under NPGP, NLC sent a series of letters
to both Congress and the Administration. In the letters, NLC urged Congress to
maintain the reforms implemented last year to gauge their effectiveness, and
asked FEMA to begin to work with all its stakeholders to find a clear path
forward on additional reforms to the program.
In addition to its concerns with the proposal, NLC and its allies put
forward principles that FEMA should consider in any future efforts to reform
the program.
The House and Senate Appropriations Committees agreed
with the arguments made by the coalition and made direct points of rejecting
the Administration’s proposal in their spending bills. In denying the
Administration the authority to create the NPGP, the House Appropriations
Committee cited the lack of detail required and explained in the committee report
that “… the Committee met with and heard testimony from numerous stakeholders
that expressed concern not just with the grant proposal but also with the lack
of stakeholder outreach prior to the program’s introduction. The Committee
considers this lack of outreach concerning and it should be addressed.”
Similarly, in an opening statement, Senator Mary Landrieu
(D-La.), chair of the Committee on Appropriation’s Subcommittee on Homeland
Security, stated that “… the grant reform proposal from the Department simply
lacked the specificity I needed for its implementation, and in addition, the
Authorizing Chair and Ranking Member … and major stakeholders wrote to us
asking us not to include these reforms.”
NLC appreciates Congress’ efforts to ensure that the Administration
take a thoughtful approach to state and local grant reform and work directly
with local stakeholders to ensure any future reform puts our local first
responders first.
I updated this based on the Senate Summary of the FY 2013 bill.