The Emergency Management Daily

It has been a busy year. 

Too busy to spend much time blogging.... obviously....  

However, we have been busy micro blogging.  In other words, we are pumping stuff out on Twitter and Facebook.  Twitter provides an easy way to send more information through a more effective and manageable medium.  For instance  with the use of hashtags (such as #Hurricane, #HSEM or #UASI), we can tag stories as being relevant to the topic at hand.  

As a result of this shift to Twitter, we are sending fewer posts to our mail lists and doing much less blogging. 

But, if you are interested, we have a daily paper that takes our Twitter posts and those of others in the Emergency Management field, and aggregates them in a paper format. 

The Emergency Management Daily is generated automatically and provides an easy way to browse the posts of the day.  You can subscribe to the paper and receive a daily message on the updated posts.

The Emergency Management Daily

I'd encourage you to subscribe to this daily paper if you are interested in emergency management and homeland security topics. 



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